
Who is Hmei7 ? Identity of Indonesian Top Defacer


Who is Hmei7 ? First you can acces what sites has been defaced by Hmei7 from google and Zone-H He has defaced many (thousand) website including IBM , Microsoft ,  Siemens , AVG 
And many more Including many personal web.
Hmei7 is very unethical hacker.
But until now there is nobody publish his identity. Some friends of him (including me maybe hehehe) was know who really the person behind Hmei7.

I will be show you facts all about Hmei7 Anyway it is too easy identify this person, i think he maybe too young and too stupid, he dont know how to hide his identity completely.
Remember this words man, if you a good hacker,everybody know you, but if you a great hacker,nobody know you (ethicalhacker.net)

Ok,First describe who really this man.
Actually he maybe a good web designer & programmer.
He work as web designer for his own company in Malang City,Easy Java Indonesia.
He have some email adress below:


(How i know it? The email adress is connecting each other :-) , Trust me. 
His company name petaniweb.com,Which deliver web programming & Design for its client.
He always logged in into some forum, Such kaskus.us (The largest forum in indonesia).
He use petaniweb for username in this forum.
He usually posting adertisement to selling his design as petaniweb.com services.
we also identify that he maybe put backdoor to his client web, so be carefull with it.
His background is arts,Visual communication design From malam state university
His tesis subject is redesain corporate identity ben warg consulting has 

Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/n1cedre4m
His real facebook : http://facebook.com/petaniweb 
His Twitter: @HaloAdit 
His photos
Who am I ? 
I am a security engineer from pakistan,some my friend website was hacked by Hmei7
a few month ago. For this case i was helped by some Friend (Indonesia Hacker)
in indonesia to open the mask Hmei7.

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